Monday, September 21, 2009

Hot Mess

is what I am and I am pretty freaked out by it. I really want to tell BeanPole where to shove it. I needed that challenge to begin to give me something else to concentrate on instead of the fact that I am having a mid life crisis. Good thing I've found out that Shirley T. is teaching a class in the morning at the gym.....I need you in my life Shirley T.

It started while I was in Charlotte and just has continued to get worse or judging how I look at it...clearer. I am one of those that believes in signs and I am pretty freaked out that everything is pointing to change. I am going to try to regulate my breathing for a bit and see what happens. See if I am just reacting to mid life crisis or if it is like turning 30 where all I needed was a drastic 10 inch haircut as change. I think the next few months will be very interesting for me as the past 48 hours have been very eye opening and mind opening.

Update on the CLT girls.......they're all amazing and doing so good. So proud of them. Burns has sculpted arms that give Michelle O a run for her money from boot camp, GatorMolester completed and rocked at a 1/2 marathon on Saturday so we were able to celebrate, Red looks amazing with a new do and her workout self and Sting is just looking great and healthy but more importantly she seemed happy. The big difference was the sister in law who is looking like a rockstar....down 9 pounds and you can definitely tell. You girls are amazing and I miss you all so much!

"The key to change is to let go of fear." Roseanne Cash

Friday, September 18, 2009

WTF EF??????????

So I am blowing down I-85 and the blackberry beeps to let me know I had an email and I saw it was from bean pole Molly and the email subject said "Change to Challenge" and I thought nothing of it until I opened it and saw the news.

Granted I should've known with the week I've had that it wouldn't be good news. Well that isn't fair to my week but it has been crazy and hectic. So I click on the email and this is what BeanPole had to say....

Hello!I'm sorry to have to make such a last minute change, but based on the feedback we've gotten and the plans we have for the upcoming Challenge, we have decided to post-pone it until January. We have a lot of great ideas to make the next Challenge bigger and better than before! We want to provide you with all the tools you need to lose weight and now that we've gotten some constructive feedback from past participants we feel that we can offer the best program come 2010.

Ummmmmmmmmmm BeanPole did you know that it has taken me some time to wrap my brain around this challenge? I've stressed about my work meetings that coincide with Tuesday and Thursday since the day I signed up for this challenge. WTF BeanPole!!!!!!!!! I've worried about football games and other social dates that would fall from September 22 to December 16th and you postpone to January with an email ......ummmmmmmmmmm this deserved a phone call.

So my friend who had also signed up for the challenge called me and she said "have you seen the email and what do we do?" Good Question Wino! I name her Wino with all due respect. She is a wine sales rep for one of my favorite wineries. She is checking around while I am with the most precious people in my life.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said one of my BFF's and I were going to enjoy life and make the most of it. After my crazy weeks of work and being stressed out I've run away from life and I surprised the niece and nephew at the bus stop and now I am back to normal...all I needed was some little people lovin!

Ok I am off to play with the ballerina who is about to return home from ballet! I was with the Team Captain earlier throwing the football and it is a pretty good arm workout I must say....maybe Wino and I will hang out in parks and throw the football while we decide what to do with our fitness be continued...unfortunately!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who ever...

came up with the phrase have your cake and eat it too is a genius. I've thought for years about the phrase when people would say it and think who the hell would have cake and not eat it but I did exactly that on Sunday night when we were celebrating my Daddy's 70th Birthday! I was prepared for that but I did throw a slight temper tantrum when June Cleaver pulled out the cookies. She puts everything from Reeses pieces to cereal and rolls it around in white chocolate and drops die for and I didn't eat any of those either. It was a great party but I peaced out pretty quickly to avoid temptation.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update on Burns

She finished her first week of boot camp like a champ! So proud of her!!!!!!!!

Explanation of freak out mode yesterday

Hola Peeps!

I got an email from Alligator Molester this morning that I want to share. Realize that I don't usually do this but I figured if she was thinking it you might be thinking the same things.

why are you freaking????? yes, i read your blog and that's why i'm excited! it sounds like it has everything you want/need!!!! motivation, fun activities, you LOVE knowing what others eat, etc etc.....

how in the world is there anything to freak about???? it sounds PERFECT!!!!!!!

I think the real reason as to why I was freaking out is because it is a lot easier to sit around and say "Oh I am looking for a program and would love to do one". It has been great watching my friends sign up for programs and cheer them on but when it comes down to signing up and committing ME to changing MY life than that is a whole other least to me it is. Writing/Journaling what I eat everyday for 3 months sounds like a daunting task. Having to go through an election cycle and not be able to drink beer after phone banking sounds miserable to me. Admitting I have a horrible relationship with food and need to break up with chips....well that sends me into meltdown mode.

Don't get me wrong....Big Girl is ready for it and I am sure after the premiere of Biggest Loser on the 15th I will be the first one to show up for the challenge...just the unknown, being embarrassed that my weight has gotten to the point I need to do a challenge and the wondering how my life will be changed is what has me freaked out.

There are lots of things that I am excited about: my makeover and new years eve outfit, being the Hot Mama that I know is dying to come out, being excited to buy clothes for the Spring, being able to toy with the idea of becoming a runner......the list goes on and on.

Today PimpDaddy said this to me "it is all about the mental aspect that no matter what physical task is put in front of you, your mind limits you. tells you cannot do things, it looks up at the mountain and says wow that is pretty high. well if you start climbing and you put some time in you realize you can get up that mountain." Well my mind has 11 Days to realize we're about to climb Mt. Everest!

Ummmm and can we discuss how it seems everybody is on the good health train? Not sure if it is the rumors about being kicked out of health insurance if you're in poor health or what but by God everybody is talking about getting healthy!

Making It Happen

Just so you know it is official as of today! I got this email today from my new BFF Molly....

Hi Robin,

Just wanted to let you know that I received your form and payment. So glad you'll be joining us!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It is a done deal.....

So I thought I was calming down but after that post I was still freaking out so I had to go ahead and sign the papers....and the check! I got proof for you!!!!!!!

Freaking the F*U% Out!

Well yesterday around this time I was on cloud nine and ready to go give my life for 3 months and all that great crap and now I am flipping the F*u% out! I am still excited but the only real reason is because last night while we were exploring a new park (Neighbor made me walk backwards up a huge hill to burn the inside of my thighs and I truly am thinking about what I can burn of hers to make her feel what I did last night and you Neighbor) we decided that after surviving 3 months of hell we would need a huge reward. So we decided we were going to get makeovers and a new outfit for New Years Eve. With jumpsuits being all the rage I've decided that I want a strapless black pant suit and fun jewelry oh and let's not forget fake eyelashes and new makeup from MAC! Of course when I picture myself after behaving for 3 months I am sure that I will be probably a little smaller than Posh so I am sure I will find David Beckham's twin on New Years!

I was seriously starting to freak out this morning and afternoon about the challenge. People are going to be able to look at what I eat and do for 3 was really cool when she said I could stalk other people but ummmm I don't want anybody calling me out on getting wild and drinking tons of tasty Milla Lites at a tailgate! I am just going to take it one change at a time and hope that the competitive side of me comes out like it usually does. I really hope that there is a cute guy in the challenge or even just a guy because I've found they're better to talk to about working out....maybe not so much diet because I think BossLady is the best at that but boys do have their kicks!

So most girls are scared to talk to guys about needing to change their bodies or diets and I find it the opposite. WorkHusband and PimpDaddy are two of my biggest motivators. Of course I think they go to the extreme with their workouts (lifting 150 pounds over 20 times and running up stairs 10 times with weights) but they're always good to get me motivated by to go the extra mile or push harder. Pimp Daddy is the main reason for the Weight Loss Challenge. He is constantly pushing and makes me head to the gym after our conversations. Do you know he gave up alcohol for 40 days....actually longer and he makes Paris Hilton look like a homebody! One day when we were talking about relationships he said to me "Robin she doesn't challenge herself so I don't think it is going to work." Men want a lady that is going to take care of herself and she doesn't have to be a brick house....just work at it! So advice for the day to your men about working out and share the details that they give you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weight Loss Challenge here I come!

so I've always had that feeling that I would be the first person to knock Jillian on her butt during taping of the Biggest Loser and we're about to find out how I would behave!

I told you yesterday that I had discovered (while eating at Qdoba) a weight loss challenge. I investigated more and I talked to Molly today at the facility about the challenge. Molly sounds like a bean pole but she is really excited to meet me so that makes her fun.

Here is the deal about what I will be going through for 12 weeks starting Sept. 22nd. We will be measured and weighed and put through a series of fitness tests. Alligator Molester in Charlotte went through/goes through this with her boot camps and the results are amazing after a month so I can't wait to see mine after 3 months.

We also will be using a live food diary/life journal that is hosted off of and we will have access to others journals. I literally almost screamed when she said I would be able to see what other people were going to eat and do. I hope they don't test for stalker because I will come up pretty fit in that category! She said this helps keep the group together while they aren't together on Tuesday and Thursday night. She said that also on weekends that some of them get together and work out. I am pretty excited. I need motivation and accountability!

The part I am nervous about is we work out together for 2 hours a week and it is a station thing. I am not good at sit ups, push ups and all that so this is going to be my hard spot. Molly also said that we play lots of games. Some involve cards i.e. you draw a 10 and you have to do 10 push ups. I wonder if I should let them know the only card game I like to play is Asshole where you make other people drink.

I want to give a big good luck cheer for one of the Charlotte Girls, who is starting her first boot camp tonight. I can't wait to hear how it is! Go Burns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Weight Loss Challenge

If you read my last blog then you will know I've been searching for a program. I was hoping for one after my walk but beggars can't be choosy. Want some details about it? So do I! This is how it all came about....

Today is my holiday...Labor Day. I am one of those god awful organizers that the right wing hates and honestly I am pretty proud of my job and my organization. We are advocates for those that control the future...those that work in education. Last week I was a complete hot mess because I found out the people we're suing are taking us to court on a demur. First I had to call my lawyer to find out what a demur is but basically they admitted guilt but they're taking us to court first to let the judge advance the lawsuit. Craziness!

Back to the is Labor Day and no work so I was able to go on a walk with Neighbor, who just got back from vacation, so it was great to catch up and time passed like crazy since we had a whole week to fill in.

We had a great 6.5 mile walk and were able to ditch 880 calories along the way. If you walk and don't own a Garmin I highly recommend it. Well anyway we like to hit Qdoba afterwards and get one of their naked bowls because it has protein/carbs and after a great walk it is safe to eat it and know the body will burn it. Well there was a flyer for a Weight Loss Challenge and I came home and looked it up on the internet and found where a writer from Style Weekly had participated in it and I was able to read her blogs. I am pretty interested in it and I am going to call tomorrow and get more details. I've basically decided if the price is decent I am going to do it. It starts on the 22nd of this month and ends on December 17th. I am pretty excited and will let you know more details when I know them!

Happy Labor Day!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Total Randomness

So it has been a while since I've blogged. My mind is all over the place today so who knows what is going to come out in this just bear with me. Work has been insanely busy but it is also my favorite time of the year so I can't complain too much at all. I love meeting new teachers and especially when they join. I get so hyper but then I crash the minute I come home so I've had to really be intentional with my workouts this month.

I gave into the world of crackberries so I went through and scheduled all of my workouts on the calendar. It seems to be working. I seriously am so much better in the mornings. Getting it done and over with just rocks. I did enjoy a few after work long walks and it was exactly what I needed to unwind from crazy work days.

I am a true believer now in cutting out the random drinking. I gave it up in August and I think it has truly made a difference. I love being a party girl but I can honestly tell you I love waking up on a Saturday morning and being able to function and get a great workout in and see results in a clean house, organized drawers...I am weird and realize that but I also have realized I need these things for my sanity. I've rested and been able to prepare for the week ahead of me. Some of my friends really gave me lip about it but oh well...that can be another blog.

Today's highlight was my assistant asking me how much I had lost. She pulled at my pants and said "Wow" I am really noticing a change in you. I told her it was the pilates that almost made me vomit on Wednesday at 6am. Seriously Shirley T. must've been in a bad mood because she worked us like red headed step children.

I am seriously thinking of how to take my fitness to the next level. I am training for the 39 mile walk but at the end of October I want to be ready with a new fitness adventure. One of my girls in Charlotte is starting a boot camp that is strictly resistance band on Tuesday so I am excited to hear about that. I am going to hunt around for the right thing for me but I am really feeling the urge to kick it up a notch. I did start a new circuit at the gym this week and did my first round yesterday. My arms were still shaking 2 hours later.

I am not sure if they were shaking because of the workout or the horrible news I received after the workout. A very close friend from back home lost her Mom to suicide. I can't imagine what that feels like and I never want to know. We've all had down moments but I would never do anything (I can't even blow my nose) to hurt my loved ones. I am just pissed off that she would do this to my friend. I was talking with one of my BFF's this morning about taking life for granted and I know I do. I get freaked out by work, house and normal day to day things that I lose focus. I think with the new school year I am going to try to live it up a little and experiment with not taking it for granted....who knows what that involves but as I discover it this school year I will let you know!

Dinner 8/9

This is the meal mentioned in the last blog.

Breakfast 8/9