Thursday, February 26, 2009



The only thing that I could possibly crave last night was Ben Gay and a fine young stud to rub it all over my body. Never in my life have I experienced torture as I did in aerobics last night and enjoyed it. I didn't want to go to aerobics last night for anything in this world but I knew Shirley T. was teaching and I so enjoy her classes so I hauled my big ass off of my new furniture and made it to the gym. WildOne was claiming to be sick but CakeShot made it to the gym for the class.

Shirley started but said she was new at teaching Zumba so she had Carrie there as backup. Well Shirley did once dance and I was already sweating and she turned it over to Carrie, who evidently had smoked some crack before class because the speed of dancing went from 3 to 12 in a matter of seconds.

For those of you who don't know what Zumba is here is what I found on the internet: Zumba® fuses hypnotic latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away. “We utilize the principles of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning. It’s a way of mixing body sculpting movements with easy-to-follow dance steps,” says creator Beto Perez. “It’s fun and addictive.”

Now I am not to sure about the easy to follow moves because I felt a hot mess during the whole class but I do agree when he says it is fun and addictive. There was one point in the class where I thought I had broken a rib or punctured a lung because I could feel a difference already in my midsection. I will be doing the meringue everyday in my house because it worked me out but a good workout.

The only thing that I need to complain about is that people once again didn't respect my space. There was a girl with dreadlocks that were shaped like Medusa's snakes that stood in front of me but she would be all over the place and invade my territory but I couldn't move back because on of the little kids from Slumdog Millionaire was coming at me from the back. It was craziness especially when I realized one of them didn't have on deodorant and I thought I was going to passout.

I was completely dead after it and by the time I finished watching the biggest loser I was ready to hit the bed. I still have to workout today and I wonder if it will hurt....I hope it is on the schedule for next week!

Peace out!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Transition has happened!

Beers: 0 but 2 glasses of wine
Cigarettes: 0

Wow! It has finally hit me that the transition has taken place and I am now the workout Goddess that I wanted to be when I started this blog. This past weekend I reunited with my girls from Louisburg that I hadn't seen in over 10 years....some longer and needless to say we consumed some beverages. Saturday morning my eyes popped wide awake at 6am and after waking Beth up I decided I was going to workout so everyone else could sleep. I felt great on the treadmill and I kept questioning what was going I still drunk or am I really enjoying this workout? Could've been a mixture of both but I am going with that it felt really good to sweat and get some of the toxins out. I don't think it hurt that the treadmills had tv's built into them. I could workout all day if that were the case at my gym!

Starting last week I found myself pushing harder and harder on my workouts and that hasn't been the case for a few months. I would do what I needed to do but taking the incline up or the speed wasn't something I did. I am to the point where I am excited about the amount of sweat coming out of my body....again....what in the world is going on....the transition!

I went home on Sunday for a baby shower and my parents were so excited about the change they could see. My friend, Frequent Flyer, came over last night and she said at dinner..."how much have you lost because you look great." She is someone who is very petite but always keeps it real about maintaining her single digit size. She talked about SparkPeople and it was then that I realized even when I do become that runway model I will still have to work at maintaining. Talking to her really solidified that this is my new lifestyle and not just something I am doing for the moment.

I just hope I can maintain this fire for working out and being healthy. I am so excited for Shirley T's class tomorrow and reuniting with WildOne. I just booked my ticket to Aruba so that will definitely have me fired up on the treadmill tomorrow morning since it is REAL........46 days my skinny ass will be in Aruba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock On!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hell will freeze over tonight!

Beer: 0
Cigarettes: 0
Cravings: 9,823

Hell will freeze over......Big Girl went to the gym twice today. This morning I got up early and did my weights and cardio. AWESOME workout...going back to my post last night....the vanity is making me work my ass off. I will take the most amazing pictures of myself in Aruba.

I did eat a small Frosty for lunch today...and it tasted soooo good. I had a dismissal to deal with that lasted forever and a day and I half won so it was a treat.

Anyway....I went back to the gym for a Hip Hop aerobics class....Oh Sweet Jesus I have NOOOOOOOOO rhythm or ability to dance. I am a disaster! I did work up a sweat so it was a good workout!

I hope I can get up in the morning and go do my leg weights and cardio and I don't say well I worked out twice yesterday so I can skip today.

Will keep you posted!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Roller Coaster

Beer: 0
Cigarettes: 3
Cravings: 498

Well the boy was short lived but well worth the good times we had. I've been a hot disaster for the past 2 days while I was in limbo but managed to make it to the gym and had great workouts. I didn't turn to beer or comfort food and that is a huge success for me. You know I always go back to being vain and now my purpose in my workouts is to turn into a goddess and make him eat his heart out over my pictures on facebook. Today when I did my weights I put extra effort into my weights thinking of how I want my muscles to look in the pictures and then on the treadmill I cranked up the incline level and increased my speed so I could trim some extra off a little quicker. Whatever gets me through the week and keeps me motivated....if you've ever read the book Jemima J...I've turned into her except in reverse. She got all healthy and became a gym rat before she met the guy and now I will become a gym rat after meeting the guy! I will say that the boy did make me feel so good about myself. Having a cutie call you sexy and beautiful is a real ego boost and you notice the great things about your body instead of focusing on that pocket of fat that just sticks out in the worst way!

This morning I couldn't bear to be sad one more minute so I turned my focus onto Aruba. 53 Days until my sexy ass is on a plane. I will work my ass off before then and be a beach goddess! I am watching the Biggest Loser as I type this blog and I still think I would slap the shit out of Julian this week and tell her how horrible her butt looks in those gray yoga pants!

Peace out!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Train Wreck

Cravings: for wine last night...4

This budget crisis has got to get over soon because I had my meltdown today and have eaten everything in the house. I had furniture delivered so I had to work from home. My phone has been blowing up between our lawyer, members and HR butt heads. Every time I would hang up I would find something to put in my mouth. I am having teachers let go, schools closing and just the weirdest crap go on this week and I had my melt down and took it out on nacho chips that I found in my cabinet. What were they doing there? Between my nerves and bad food my stomach hates me. I am ready for a beer...maybe that will settle my upset stomach...I need help I know! I just chugged some Pepto...wonder how many calories that cost me?

So the boy and I cooked dinner together last night and that was pretty healthy except he did put some butter in the mushrooms. Having a cute boy beside you will definitely help you focus on portion control. There was no dessert and no alcohol so I think it was pretty harmless.

Funny story about us cooking...warning it could make you sick. This boy has the weirdest effects on me. Last night he had me so out of focus that I forgot to turn the stove on and when I figured it out and got the stuff cooked I forgot to turn it off. I am usually such a good cook but I can't focus with him around me. I tried to be smooth with realizing I had left the stove on but he saw it. Maybe this will be a good weight loss tactic...

Have a great weekend everyone and eat some chocolate for me since I've blown my extra calories on pepto and nachos!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Way to go WildOne!


I know that is horrible but I will tell you that we did go to aerobics last night before we did that damage. I met WildOne at the gym last night. I soooooooo needed it because I couldn't get the boy out of my mind and I knew a good workout is what my smitten ass needed at the moment.

I found WildOne doing free weights and she was so happy and smiling.......she always does that but it was an even bigger smile last night. She had gotten her measurements done and she had lost 11 inches in one month. I am sooooooo freaking proud of her. She was feeling fat and disgusting so this came at the right moment. We were about to go onto the floor for aerobics and I told her RedHead was at my house cooking us dinner and I couldn't wait for a beer.....or 7! WildOne loves her some RedHead and quickly agreed to join us....shocker!

We tore aerobics up. Shirley T. hadn't taught us in a couple weeks so it was soooooo good to be in her class. We were hot messes. My hair was a puddle in 10 minutes. Evidently Shirley T. was fired up as well because she worked us like rag dolls. We were all over the floor and my legs feel it. After class we went up to tell her she was our favorite and she said "I have to admit I am always happy when I see you two show up for class"....she maybe the only person in Richmond excited to see me and WildOne arrive somewhere together!

Yesterday was the first day I could tell a big difference in my body. I've been able to tell a difference in my face but yesterday I put on the jeans BFFASS gave me and I looked damn good in them and then yesterday even in my workout clothes I was like you rock smitten girl!

So tonight the boy and I are cooking together for the first time. Very nervous about that and how I will do with sticking to the no flour and no sugar. It has been easy with him since we've just gone to restaurants and I can pick what I want but tonight will be interesting with the cooking but he is being healthy as well so hopefully it will be easy.....will let you know how it goes tomorrow!

Smooches and Congrats again WildOne!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sweet Jesus...what a week!

Beers: 0
Cigarettes: 0
Cravings: 0

Sorry I've been MIA but since last week it has been craziness. This budget catastrophe is about to drive me crazy. Late meetings with school boards and associations but the good news is I've been very good with what I am eating. There has been no intake of fast food! Last week I didn't get to the gym as much as I wanted to but I was still good with the food.

The budget isn't the only thing driving my craziness. There is a new guy in the picture that has helped wreck havoc on my schedule but I am not complaining at all. If anything he is good for me turning into a workout queen. He is being healthy as well and has recently lost about 20 pounds....maybe more. Dinners are healthy and knowing he is going to ask me about working out makes me get my butt there. The other night we were talking about goals and it was hard to talk to him about what exactly I wanted to happen to my body because it was basically admitting what I don't like about it. It is a huge plus having him to day dream about on the treadmill...makes the gym time go alot faster. I think I just made myself vomit a little bit.

I know we're suppose to do this for ourselves but wanting too look good for someone special has been a great motivator. I am typing this as the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover girl is on the TODAY show.....oh that is depressing!

Ok I am off today to paint before my new furniture gets here but I wanted to say Hello! I promise to get on a regular schedule!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Girls' Weekend and Super Bowl Thoughts

Wow! I have lots of emotions flowing thru me right now. I am suffering post party depression and I am thinking that I am content being home watching the Super Bowl by myself and not drinking beer or partying. Mainly, because all I did this weekend was drink and snack on things that weren't the best choices. For the most part I did great and made good choices but all of the drinking has caught up with me. I am actually ready to sweat tomorrow morning and be healthy again. I just feel swollen and ugh and I don't like that feeling. The awesome news is I did get out there and make it to the gym. I did a course on the treadmill and then I had some pool time where I realized that I want a pool in my back yard so I can do exercises all the time in the water. Totally didn't feel like a workout being in a pool.

I am glad I hadn't said I was going to any superbowl parties because after Girls' Weekend and eating a chip or pretzel here or there has knocked me out of wack. I can't get over how food totally controls how you feel.

After all that I hope some of you are eating chicken wings and weenies. I know my girls in CLT are having some weenies for me as we speak!

Here is a fun thing though...on Friday shopping I bought a dress that was very snug on my curves and I decided I will wear it in I've got 69 days and I've already marked my calendar on what exercises I will do each day in Feb.

Peace Out!