I know that is horrible but I will tell you that we did go to aerobics last night before we did that damage. I met WildOne at the gym last night. I soooooooo needed it because I couldn't get the boy out of my mind and I knew a good workout is what my smitten ass needed at the moment.
I found WildOne doing free weights and she was so happy and smiling.......she always does that but it was an even bigger smile last night. She had gotten her measurements done and she had lost 11 inches in one month. I am sooooooo freaking proud of her. She was feeling fat and disgusting so this came at the right moment. We were about to go onto the floor for aerobics and I told her RedHead was at my house cooking us dinner and I couldn't wait for a beer.....or 7! WildOne loves her some RedHead and quickly agreed to join us....shocker!
We tore aerobics up. Shirley T. hadn't taught us in a couple weeks so it was soooooo good to be in her class. We were hot messes. My hair was a puddle in 10 minutes. Evidently Shirley T. was fired up as well because she worked us like rag dolls. We were all over the floor and my legs feel it. After class we went up to tell her she was our favorite and she said "I have to admit I am always happy when I see you two show up for class"....she maybe the only person in Richmond excited to see me and WildOne arrive somewhere together!
Yesterday was the first day I could tell a big difference in my body. I've been able to tell a difference in my face but yesterday I put on the jeans BFFASS gave me and I looked damn good in them and then yesterday even in my workout clothes I was like you rock smitten girl!
So tonight the boy and I are cooking together for the first time. Very nervous about that and how I will do with sticking to the no flour and no sugar. It has been easy with him since we've just gone to restaurants and I can pick what I want but tonight will be interesting with the cooking but he is being healthy as well so hopefully it will be easy.....will let you know how it goes tomorrow!
Smooches and Congrats again WildOne!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Rah, you are so the bomb. I'm not going to recognize you the next time we're together. Can you please come to the 'Burgh and motivate me????????
why do i have an image of y'all cooking like some kind of romantic comedy montage????
have fun and good job!!! glad shirley is rocking it!!!!
Sarah-you will definitely recognize me. I am looking good but by no means disappearing.
Chaney-I was a hot mess and so distracted by him being with me in the kitchen that I couldn't figure out how to cook. Will write a blog about it.
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