I always have a moment on Christmas morning where I am so sad that the hoopla is over. June Cleaver said I've done this ever since I was a little girl. You've shopped for the perfect gift, you've decorated, cooked and you get so excited for the day and then it is over within a second it seems like and I am feeling that way about boot camp tonight.
January 6th I started this boot camp a freaking hot mess. I had partied like a rock star up until the very last second and walked into that gym not having a clue what I was going to do for the next 12 weeks. I was nervous but excited. Instantly, I was excited to start because I met two returnees and heard what they had done so I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could have my "own" story from boot camp.
Driving to the gym tonight I was once again a hot mess but I was jamming out to old school and was so pumped up. I was wondering what the scales would say but told myself I wasn't going to get upset because I have made a tremendous difference in my lifestyle and I feel awesome and to me that is the most important thing. My doctor is happy, my blood pressure is normal for the first time in years, my friends and family see a difference and I have already paid for the second boot camp which has been named "Bootsie" by Alligator Molester in Charlotte, who got me started searching for a boot camp. Chaney, I always be grateful to you for making me want this...I thank you and I am so glad we're friends.
We had the option to weigh in/fitness test tonight or Monday night. I was the first one there and so we began right away. I think Rusty was a little nervous as well because he knew I wanted some serious results. We did measurements first and I have lost 11.5 inches. One inch is from my upper arm. He said that is huge achievement. My biggest area was my hips. 3.5 off of those bad boys. We then did the weight and of course every girl wants huge numbers but I was proud and then the boomer came....Fitness test. This is when Ralph decided to show up and I was like great I get to do fitness with the Rock Star of our group. I rocked it hard core. We got tested when we first came and then tonight. Squats: Jan-39 March-57, Push ups: Jan-12 March 24 (There is no way I did 12 in Jan) Prone Plank Jan-10 sec March 32 sec (Jan was more like 2 sec), Right Side Plank Jan-35 sec March 1:13, Left side plank Jan-60 sec March 1:39.
The Christmas morning feeling kicked in the minute I walked out the door of the gym. I am so glad the other two stooges weren't with me because I probably would've cried and then RedHead would've called me ridiculous and pissed me off and ruined it. I am just pretty proud of what we've done and decided to be healthy. The minute I got in my car I analyzed my numbers and started setting goals for what I want to accomplish in Bootsie. Of course I can set huge unachievable goals so I will do this with Rusty on Monday at the next personal training session. I am ready for April 7th to get here. It took me a while to get settled in Boot Camp and then Tina was added into the mix with the nutrition and I was a mess there for a bit but with the personal training I feel like I am right in the groove and I will go play in Cancun and then come back ready for Bootsie!
Tomorrow is the 10k and it is the last thing...I knocked out rock climbing, I knocked out fitness testing tonight so I have no other choice but to rock out on the 10k!
Rock On!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
YOU F'ING GO. so proud! and you're inspring me b/c i'm a charlotte couch potato again. so happy you tried bootsie and that you love it. i knew this type of environment would be GREAT for you!!!! great job, girl!
-alligator molestor
It is the PERFECT environment for me and the trainer is the perfect fit as well. He is a cross between Jillian and Bob! Come on girl get inspired because we have to think of what I am going to do after Bootsie!
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