So here is the deal:
23 days I've gone without soda and no wild parties. Holy Miracle Batman! If you remember my nutritionist is making me give up coffee and I am struggling. I went one week and I had to get gas and I only try to get gas at WaWa. I am very aware that it is not normal to love a gas station like I do but after I get this fitness thing down I will work on that obsession. I gave in and said "Hello" to my friends and said "One cup won't hurt" and it didn't. So in my twisted mind I said "a cup once a week won't hurt". Once again I was wrong. I've been a nightmare all day. My head hurts, I feel like I have a bulldozer in my stomach and I've been jittery. I think it is done because if I am going to feel like this then it is going to include some milla lites, good music and a hot man making me jittery instead of just coffee. I wonder if I put water in a WaWa cup if I could get the same warm and cozy feeling?
Danger Zone = people are starting to notice I am losing weight. I guess I am losing weight because remember the debacle of weighing week 1 and accusing Molly she had no clue how to work the scales. I am not weighing till March 26th and honestly I don't give a rip what it says. I am noticing in my clothes, face and ummmmmmm Hello blood pressure is rocking! Anyway, this has always been my downfall in the past. When people notice I start to tell myself "oh I can tone it down a notch because I am doing so well" or "I can skip a workout because I've had great success." Thank God I have another month of boot camp.
Awesome news- The trip to Cancun is planned to celebrate the end of boot camp and to unwind from this disastrous General Assembly that will ruin public education in Virginia. I leave after I finish the Monument Avenue and I return before Boot Camp 2 starts.
Tomorrow night is Powerball. My favorite class by far. Wonder which politician will be on the first ball that I throw into the ground?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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