Ok so here they are, Rusty and Molly, the two people that I will be answering to for the next three months. After months of waiting, the fitness challenge has started and I am ready. I was a nervous wreck for the majority of the day waiting for 6pm but it turned out not to be so bad at all.
We all met and sat in a circle (no Cumbaya) and introduced ourselves. There are two repeaters from past challenges so I think that speaks volumes for the program. They had really cool things to share and made me believe accomplishing the goals I set for myself can work. One of them has lost 60 pounds, completed her first triathlon, quit smoking and can do a 10 minute plank. Ummmm, I am a believer people.
Here is the rundown of tonight: introductions, explaining the program and some questions and answers. Then the really fun part-weighing and measuring. I only gained one pound during the holiday season! Then we did planks to see how long we could sustain...I definitely need to work on my prone plank. See how many pushups and squats in a minute....not so bad for the first night.
We had to outline our personal goals and then Rusty is going to work up a nutrition plan according to our goals and weight...I think that is the plan and the schedule says cardio....Joy!
Oh and here is the fun part....we all compete for points. The winner gets a bike and I've been wanting one forever so game on.
I've told them about my blog so I might not dish and scream as much when I'm in pain as I usually do but after meeting them they seem pretty cool and ready to rock it out. I don't want to wish my life away but I am pretty psyched to see the after picture in 90 days!
Rock on friends!
We're gonna look and feel great come March 26th! I'm excited for the after picture, too!
Robin, you are going to kick ass, take names and ruthlessly earn that bike you want girl. I think you and I should set a goal to run a marathon in 18 months in an exotic, fantastic, ridiculously expensive location...you game?
a full marathon? I think maybe I should start with a half. The only time I've run before is when it was about to strike midnight and I was out of beer!
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