Beers: 0
I just did a budget meeting with this crap going on in my state and if it isn't enough to make me smoke I don't know what is....well the witch that was at the meeting is another reason but 2 of my favorite people were there and I swear everybody is getting on the bandwagon of being healthy. My 2 favorites are giving up sodas and cutting back....
Traffic sucked with the weather and of course I wasn't prepared for how hungry I would be when I got home. I went to Ukrop's and you know their chicken was calling me but I said a big FU to the chicken and went to the salad bar. I was so good and the reason was because my new best friends were on the cover of People (I saw them on the TODAY show so that gives me reason to call them BFF's.)
Ok can we discuss Biggest Loser.....I am watching it as every person who is trying to lose weight in America. I have severe issues with this show but BFFASS loves it and sucked me into it. I am all for the Pink Team for my reasons. I will decide in the next few weeks if I will keep watching it because it is crazy that people can lose 30 pounds in one week. I know it is all they do all day long and but seriously. I would be let go from the show for smacking Jullian in the mouth. I would have to be on Bob's team so I could flirt!
Ok I am off to get ready for bed. Oh and send me major mojo for the next 3 days. I am in committee meetings, staff meetings and all that great stuff. Rockstar isn't going to be there so I need to figure out who can be my killer eye.....please send me text messages of encouragement throughout the 3 days!
Goodnight Train riders!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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